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Project participants filmed each other and then created videos

Participants of Generation 0101 project in Lithuania studied the basics of video content creation and management. During the training they were taught about video recording, introduced to the possible ways to express their ideas through video content. They filmed and acted their own scripts. It was possible to try and implement the newly gained knowledge and skills at the library where the training took place.

The pilot training of Generation0101 has started in Lithuania

The pilot training of the Generation0101 training modules has started in Lithuania. All the invited youngsters gathered in Vilnius and Kaunas, two largest cities in Lithuania, and started their participation in the training. The training marathon was started by e. journalism module in Vilnius. The participants began their acquaintance with the basics of journalism and e. journalism, the ins and outs of the e. journalist profession and a wide range of activities that an e. journalist must know how to perform on a daily basis.

Open call: Get ICT solution for your organization for free

More than 250 young creative people in Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey are acquiring new ICT skills in web design, mobile app development, easy coding, e-journalism, community web radio, video production and tools for online collaboration through our project Generation 0101.
After education, they will put their skills and knowledge at disposal for organizations in their local communities. In that way, they will get the chance to test and practice what they have learned, and at the same time enrich their local community.

Digital Economy and Society Index

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2016 has published data about digital economy and society progress of EU countries collected during calendar year 2015. The following infographic is comparing five DESI principal dimensions (Connectivity, Human Capital, Use of Internet, Integration od Digital Technology and Digital Public Services) beetwen countries involved in project Generation 0101 - Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia and Lithuania.
