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Generation 0101 final project conference

The final project conference was organised on 4th and 5th November in the CeKaTe in Zagreb. On the first conference day project partners presented their activities and results and gave overview of their specific areas of interest related to digital skills development.

Representative of CKT Rijeka, as a lead partner presented the overall project activities and results. Latvian partner LIKTA talked about digital skills development in Latvian schools, while the representative of LIA from Lithuania shared their experiences from the partnership with private sector companies. Italian partner Associazione Centro Studi Citta di Foligno explained the role of digital skills in social co-creation projects and representative of the Cyprus Community Media Center talked about the role of community media. Telecentar activities were presented by two volunteers who participated in all phases of the project.

Project presentations were followed by two panel sessions. The first one was about media and information literacy, with 3 speakers from the NGO Restart who talked about Film Lab, NGO Vang who presented the opportunities of setting up Radio Labs in schools and Telecentar who presented Summer School programmes in Rovinj. In the second panel about coding CKT Rijeka talked about coding lab and robotics. Representative of private company Algebra presented their Digital Academy for children in elementary schools and the Slovenian partner ZIK Maribor informed about their coding activities in Kreator Lab.

Second conference day was dedicated to discussions about possible follow up projects, including development of academic service learning course for e-facilitators, digital storytelling programme for youth, web radio for children and multimedia academy for seniors. Both conference days were used to present the newly opened Media Lab and the project trainees have used the opportunity to make video interviews with the project partners. Altogether around 50 persons participated in the final conference.