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Presentation of project results for Lithuanian teachers

At the very end of summer a final conference in Lithuania of project Generation0101 was organised where teachers from all across Lithuania were invited. During the event the project was introduced with a big emphasis on the whole training structure and training material as well as possible results, that can be achieved in a short time frame. The ICT training is of great importance to teacher in Lithuania, as there is a lack of IT specialists and the interest is ICT related subjects and carriers is still not big enough. The courses and materials that were created during the project and introduced during the conference seemed like a step in a right direction, where teachers have more tools to educate and interest their students.

As one of the successful project results the hackathon and its activities were described. There was a great interest in the game creation course and the possibility for pupils to learn create games for themselves and each other showed the huge potential, that this material has. Teachers expressed their wishes to use this and other materials in their classes. We hope that they were inspired by our activities and the whole concept of training and newly gained skill use for creation of different projects. There might be a lot more hackathons in Lithuania's schools in the years to come.